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.Tuesday, April 26, 2011 @ 11:35 PM Y

Learning Log 4

For the Macbeth performance, I learnt that teamwork and confidence are very important factors for the play. Without confidence, you cannot perform well as you would be very nervous to say or act out anything. For this play, my group members were Lingshan and Jiayi. We put in a lot of effort preparing the props. Most of the complicated props were not done by me as they know I have to prepare for my SYF. So the more simpler props like making and painting the hats, the trashbag ( as costume ) were done by me. It is a pity that I only get to see two groups perform.

During the performance, I was surprise I wasn't nervous at all ( I got lots of confidence ). I was suppose to do the witch voice ( the high one) but in the end, because I almost forget my lines, I totally forgot to do the witch's voice!  I was somehow disappointed by my performance as I know I did not put in my best. I somehow think that it is quite 'fun' to perform ao if i was given another chance to choose whether I wan to perform or not, I would gladly take the chance to improve on my performance!

.Monday, March 7, 2011 @ 11:36 PM Y

Learning Log 3

Act 1 Scene 1 (Individual roles playing as witches)

Mrs Woo used her number selector the choose our group members. There are three people in a group to act out the three witches in the story of Act 1 Scene 1. When presenting, it would be quite embarassing as we have to use either a high pitch or a low pitch voice to act it out! I think when the day comes for our group to present, I hope I would be confident to speak in front of the whole class and be less nervous.

Lesson on Act 1 Scene 2
I find it very hard to understand Act 1 Scene 2 at first. But after teacher explain to the whole class, I felt it easier to understand although I still cannot understand some parts. Also, after reading the modern text, it is simpler and easier to understand. The summary of Act 1 Scene 2 is that The captain was telling King Duncan about the fight between Macbeth and Macdonwald. In the end Macbeth won. Then after those Irish soldiers retreated, the Norwegian King saw his chance to attack them with fresh troops and shiny weapons. But this did not frighten Macbeth and Banquo. They fought the new enemy even harder and in the end they won again. After that, The Thane of Ross and Angus enter. They told the King about the treaty. He could not bury his men until he retreated to Saint Colme's Inch and pay them ten thousand dollars.

Group Discussion on Comic Grid

For the group discussion, we exchange ideas of our own between our group members and we all decided to use Benjamin's one as his ideas was the best among us. Still, I added some lines of my own to improve it even better.

.Sunday, February 20, 2011 @ 11:31 AM Y

Learning Log 2

Witches ( Demonstration by peers)

When Mrs. Woo was demonstrating, the whole class was laughing like mad because it is just so funny! I thought just because Mrs. Woo perform in front of our class means it is easy for those who were presenting at that time. But then when they are presenting, I realise that it is harder then I imagine. We really need a lot of courage because when we are using high pitch, it would be really funny because we are not using our own voice but the voice people do not recognise.

Discussion on Superstition

In this discussion, I learnt a lot of superstitions that I do not know at first. I think that superstitions are interesting and it depends on whether you believe it or not. Some people do not believe it because it is just "superstition" and it may not be true. For me I believe in some superstitions like 'we cannot swim in swimming pools and go to beach on the seventh month of the lunar calendar' and 'if a pigeon/bird flies into your room, means a person in your family will die soon' etc.

Today's presentation

I think that last wednesday's presentation of the superstition is interesting and it gives us a lot of information on why the superstition is said this way.

.Sunday, January 23, 2011 @ 4:00 PM Y

Learning Log 1

What have you learnt about cinquain?

I learnt that cinquain is a five-line poem. The first line of the poem is only one word, which is the title. The second line has two words, to describe about the title. The third line is three words describing the action of the object you are writing about and must end with -ing and a comma in between the words. The fourth line is four words about your feeling of the object. Last but not least the last line is one word reflecting on the title.

Comments on the lesson

I think we need to respect the people who are giving out their suggestions during the discusssion in our groups of four. We need co-operation as we are all working as a team to complete the given assignment by the teacher.

Suggestion for improvements

I think we can have more games or more group discussions in the future to make the lessons more interesting.

.Saturday, January 15, 2011 @ 12:37 AM Y

Yo people. Hi people. Welcome people. Hello people. Good morning/ afternoon/ night/ midnight people. :) This would be my LITERATURE blog. :D


Teo XinYi
Turning 14 this year on 19th Nov
Studying in EVG 2 Integrity
Literature blog not personal one. :D








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